Back Pain During Pregnancy - How To Find Relief
If you're having the problem of back pain during pregnancy, you should realize that this is a very common symptom. Of course, that's not much comfort when you're suffering with it, but at least you can be reassured that it's a normal part of pregnancy. At the same time, there are a number of steps you can take to control back pain during this period, and we'll be covering some of these in this article.
Applying heat or cold to your back can be an effective way to obtain relief from pain. Heat can be applied using a hot water bottle or a heating pad. You may want to alternate this with ice packs, as this can often be more effective than either by itself. When it comes to heat, however, you have to be a little careful during pregnancy. It's not a good idea to soak in a whirlpool, hot tub or very hot bath. A warm bath, however, perhaps with some essential oils or Epsom salt can be very relaxing. Some massage therapists are trained in prenatal massage and this can also be great for relieving your back pain and helping your spine stay relaxed and in alignment. Pregnant women used to be told to do nothing but rest, but this is no longer the advice that's given by health professionals. Exercise, in moderation, is not only possible when you're pregnant, it's helpful. Walking, stretching and swimming all help you stay in good shape, and they are all especially good for your spine. Inactivity can in fact make back pain worse, as your muscles and joints become weakened when they don't get regular exercise. While you never want to overexert yourself when pregnant, you should get regular exercise. It's often best to exercise frequently but in short sessions so you don't overdo it. Aside from the recommendations in this article, your health care provider can give you some suggestions in this area.
Even though back pain is a typical symptom of pregnancy, you still shouldn't take it for granted. Keep your doctor informed about the type and severity of your back pain. This is especially important if the pain gets worse or if no exercise or therapeutic measures help it. While certain pain medications can be taken when you're pregnant, you also have to ask your doctor about this. Acetaminophen, which is the active ingredient in Tylenol, is the pain reliever usually recommended for pregnant women. Many of the products people usually take for pain, such as aspirin, Motrin and Advil (both of these contain Ibuprofen) are not considered safe to ingest during pregnancy. Back pain during pregnancy can make your life very difficult, so you should take every possible measure to keep it under control. The guidelines we've covered in this article, along with your doctor's advice, should help you to avoid putting your back under unnecessary stress. Remember that your back is extra sensitive during this time, so everything, from the shoes you wear to the position you sleep is important to note.
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